3-gatsu no lion

Good day to you, I’m writing to you from my comfy den of nyanpasu.

Today, I want to talk a bit about „3-gatsu no lion“ in general. It really is a great series and I love it. And it is also a great example of a slice of life show without cute girls doing cute things. Well, there are some cute girls doing cute things scenes, but you can hardly compare them with each other. It’s just for some comedy and the fluffy feeling you get.

3-Gatsu no Lion 314.jpg

Also, I can only praise Studio Shaft for their amazing job. In my opinion, Shaft is really the best out of all the animation studios when it comes to creating an atmosphere and pulling you into the mindset of characters without any words. And on a side note, Shaft did create a lot of great anime series – it doesn’t matter if it is the Monogatari Series, Zaregoto, Ef, Arakawa under the Bridge, Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei or what not. And yes, I didn’t list Madoka here, because it is a great show and I was just going for some examples. Don’t bite me for this.

Anyways, another big part of the sense of atmosphere, connection and sympathy towards the characters is the story itself and also the music. There are some beautiful soundtracks in this show and I’m really looking forward to listen to the OSTs once they’re released.

I also have to start with the manga, but I’m still not sure if I should wait for the anime to be finished or if I should just catch up and go with the chapters that are covered in the anime.

~ Your fluffy Captain Nyanpasu


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